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Resources For Spiritual Growth In Union With Christ


This site provides resources to nourish spiritual renewal and transformation

into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. Here you will find practical help

in learning to know and love God more deeply and follow him more faithfully

in friendship and community with others.




Where do we begin?  Life in Christ and spiritual growth in Christ begins not with our efforts or disciplines but rather with the gospel of Christ, the good news that God pursues us and saves us through what he has done for us in and through the person and work of Jesus.  All attempts to find healthy, life-giving spiritual formation apart from the gospel of Christ will ultimately fail.



Here you will find support for pursuing your own individual spiritual growth. The resources found here are publicly available for everyone, and we pray that they will bless many who are seeking guidance for their personal walk with God.



Here you will find support for groups pursuing spiritual growth together.  Life in Christ is never merely an individual experience; it is always a life nurtured within the communal life of the people of God.  While there are many kinds of groups within the church who can benefit from the resources here, this site exists especially to support growth groups at Central Presbyterian Church. 


Building upon the example of Jesus’ methods, growth groups form to cultivate close spiritual friendships with the explicit intent to foster one another’s spiritual growth.  A commitment to a growth group is not merely a commitment to a specific program of study but primarily to a set of relationships and practices aimed at experiencing spiritual formation together.  



Here are some more specific features of the ministry of growth groups: 

Growth groups exist to help one another foster growing communion with God, to put sinful habits to death, and to cultivate new habits of health and holiness that reflect the character and mission of Christ in all seven dimensions of life. 

Growth groups study the word of God and other Christian resources together with the goal of personally applying the Scriptures.

The primary goal of study is developing a clear vision of maturity in Christ in multiple dimensions of life.

Growth groups form concrete goals for spiritual growth and collect these goals into a written spiritual growth plan.

Growth groups provide relational support and challenge for personal spiritual growth.

Growth groups to stay up- to-date with the daily rhythms, struggles, victories, joys, and sorrows of each member. 

May God the Father bless you with his abundant love, wisdom, grace, and truth so that by the power of his Holy Spirit you may enjoy the riches of life in Christ!

Jesus said,"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."


John 15:5

"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God . . .For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."


Colossians 3:1-4

Connect for more help

Would you like additional help in pursuing your own spiritual growth?


Would you like to join or help form a growth group?   

If so, fill out this contact form.

Central Presbyterian Church

7700 Davis Drive, Clayton, MO 63105

(314) 727-2777

Thanks for submitting!

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